Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Happy Halloween

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The time has come and below are a couple of MUST SEE films tonight! Whether you are going to a party in fancy dress or trick or treating (hopefully just the kids doing this haha) you should definitely find some time to stick on a scary film and get those goosebumps going! Get the popcorn ready, and don't forget the answer to the very important question...

What's your favourite scary movie?

All of the franchise should be watched, especially Halloween H20 (below)

All of the Scream films should be watched including the newest instalment

To be honest, around this time of year, any horror film can be watched and enjoyed. The above just happen to be my favourites but below are some other classics that can give you all a good scare!

Enjoy :)

1 comment:

Holly said...

I'm so rubbish with scary films! I watched Halloween when I was really young and it still haunts me haha!
I love the Saw films though, they're about as scary as I can handle :)
Happy Halloween!
Love Holly x