Saturday 11 February 2012

Upcoming Music Talent - Serena Soya

I love finding new talent, I am a lover of music and I respect new artists rising up into the new generation of singers. Amongst the old talent of Beyonce, Amy Winehouse and Whitney Houston, it is hard to stand out from the crowd and be taken seriously as a new and upcoming talent with these names to work against.
You have to be driven, hard working and above all, talented! This is where Serena Soya comes in as she is a beautiful and exceptionally gifted young woman who is working her way into the mainstream music scene.
She is a singer/song writer and signed to Star Music Management. I love the fact that she writes her own songs, something that isn’t done as often as people may think. I feel her songs come from deep routed emotions, as explained by her early childhood experiences. However her voice is pure and smooth with a hint of a wise woman behind those words.
It is safe to say that good music comes from real experiences; there is always more raw emotion from someone who has written the songs they are singing.
Below are my chosen favourite songs from Serena, these in particular grip me and as you listen to them you feel transfixed to listen to the end.
Some of my favourites:
Bruise – a fantastic portrayal of domestic abuse, calling out to all those women affected by abuse. A slow and chilled vibe, a slow backing track but great lyrics that explicitly expose the real problems that women face ‘’you just can’t keep your hands to bruise my skin’’.
Easier Said Than Done – Love the backing track and violins in the background of this song. Very true words are expressed in the song, as well as a unique sound.
Skeleton – an amazing song about removing those skeletons we have hidden deep in our closets’. Everyone has secrets but they hold us back and this song reiterates that ‘’please Mr Skeleton, before you do me anymore damage’’.
Give Me a Sign – a lovely song about waiting for the returning affections of a boy, waiting for him to make the first move. We have all been there!
Man Down Cover – I like this cover as it allows you to compare her voice to that of a current artist, Rhianna. I like her spin on it and her voice truly shines in this track.
So far she has 15 tracks available to listen to on her website. Please click and listen to the ones I mentioned above as well as the rest. Her voice is lovely and easy to listen to. I am surprised there isn’t more anger behind her songs and voice considering she grew up listening to Eminem and loving the anger he poured out.
She is inspired by artists like Ms Dynamite and Maverick and this edge can be heard in some of her songs. This is great because in the upcoming music scene we have a new generation of inspirational grime/RnB artist’s that deserve to be looked up to. She has taken passion from her own childhood and inspiration from other artists to create her own soulful stance on music.
Serena has a strong and distinctive voice, wise words and a ‘passion for telling things the way they are’. I like this motto as I take this into consideration everyday and pride myself in being a real talker.
It is not all about mainstream, people start somewhere and need to be heard so if you are a fan of listening to the latest music from upcoming talent then check out Serena Soya and her passionate portrayal of her life through her music.
Note: This will be featured on OdyseaEntertainment and DMVCulture but is the property of Trisha's Epic Reviews

1 comment:

Tim said...

I love this review of Serena Soya, I have recently come across Serena via Twitter and she is an exceptionally talented.

Serena, I think stands for a lot of what is missing in today's music, someone rising from the routes, writing about what she wants to, needs to and believes in. Not compromising her music or writing style be get an over night jump up the ladder. This is difficult for artists to do what with shows like X Factor, Britain's Got Talent and now the Voice.

I have spoken to Serena several times on Twitter and she has sincerity and such passion and focus in her music and that comes through when you listen to her songs.

Having played music and writing songs myself since I was 13 (now 32) I think you are absolutely right in what you say, song writing comes from experience and from within the person writing them and I think the emotion of a song comes to life more when the person who writes that song performs it.

I wish Serena and any other artist like her all the luck in the word.

Also Trisha, keep blogging, its a great read and it is obvious you are passionate about the subjects you write on.