Thursday 16 June 2011

Top 10 Horror Movies

1. Halloween (1978)
I find this film gets to my core. Knowing a person can inflict such torment is more terrifying than most thoughts. The scenes where Myers is waiting for laurie (Jamie Lee Curtis) outside school and on her way home scared me as a child and are creepy beyong words.

2. Amytiville (1979)
Reading the book is possibly scarier than the film. The thought of the little girl and her imaginary friend at the window still sends chills down my spine. The film is well realised and based on a true story - even better! The remake in 2005 with Ryan Reynolds is just as good in my opinion. It is hard to do a remake of such a well known plot. The thought a house can hold the memories of the past always makes me think twice about my house!

Excellent remake of the original. My friends and I were terrified to go to sleep alone. The storyline of rage being transferred to the house and spreading to new victims shows how negative emotions can be contagious and destructive. The sound she makes was re-enacted so many times and I pranked quite a few people with this >>>

A film that combines the rules of the horror fiilm, comedy, gore and truly scary and intense moments gets my vote! It has lived on until 2011 and still worth seeing which is an achievement. Horror movies love to have sequels but this film has ones worth seeing.

The Omen-esque. Any film that portrays children as evil tend to be the scariest as they are supposed to be the essence of innocence. You associate children with purity but this film goes beyond that and the twist is ironically twisted!

6. The Thing (1982)
The effects were brilliant for the time. Better and more believable than most alien-based films. Nothing is scarier than being isolated in the middle of nowhere and there is something taking over your camp - who can you trust?

7. The Others (2001) and The Sixth Sense (1999)
Subtle and original. The other side to the ghost realm. Massive twist that once you have seen you can't watch it again and it have the same effect on you. Shocker! Had to put both films in here as they have the same effect and similarities but are both worthy of a spot and still scare me, just don't shock me as much as the first time.

8. The Shining (1980)
The music is intense, the film is slow but chilling and the acting is one of the best I have seen. Isolation is key in horror films and particularly in this film. Having one of you own family members turn on you is a horrible thought. Isolation, possession, haunting and madness makes this film epic as there are so many elements to contend with. ''All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy''.

9. Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)
What makes this film a good horror is that it taps into the one part of your life you can't control and you are at your most vulnerable - your dreams. The thought of someone penetrating your vulnerability in your sleep and the potential for your dreams to become reality is the most important aspect of this film. A classic! ''1, 2, Freddy's coming for you, 3, 4, better lock your door...''

10. The Blair Witch Project (1999)
A strange choice but this was a planned documentary. The actors had a basic script for the day but had to follow a route and improvise when necessary. They were told things would happen but could not control their natural instincts. Genuine fear is displayed in some parts of the film and these brief moments are what make the film. Swearing aside, the concept was genius.


Kumar said...

I accept all the movies except Grudge (2004). Cheers

Carina Michele said...

Nice! I'll be checking these out.

Trisha Hilton said...

@michelle tree > glad you enjoy!