Thursday, 20 December 2012

Some Festive Films...

As promised, I am just going to post some good family films to watch around this time of year! This is a great time for all the family to get together and below are some of my favourites:

And some classics...

Also I have been recently introduced to...

And finally a couple I have never seen but would like to...

Enjoy and let me know your favourites!

Monday, 10 December 2012

Christmas Spirit

It's already nearly that time of year. The lights and trees have gone up and been meticulously decorated, parents are frantically buying presents already, the stores are rammed full of eager shoppers and the Christmas films are already starting to air on TV.

I love this time of year. It is full of generosity and hope for a new beginning, whether you take this with a religious undertone or just the start of a new year on the horizon.

This is one of my favourite months because of the excellent TV viewing, from Christmas films to the re-runs of old shows, everything goes on in the anticipation of people on their Christmas holidays and as with any festive season, I will always attempt to provide some options for viewing.

I tend to put down my favourite films in the hope people either agree or consider a new or different film they may not have ever watched. This time I will also provide films that I am keen to watch that have been recommended to me by others.

I will post shortly :)